Map Pack Price: $3.99 Map Pack contains two new maps, Desert and Docks: Desert With limited cover and unobstructed fields of fire, no one can hope to leave the desert unscathed. Fend off unrelenting waves of enemies in both Player and Rank matches. Up to two players can play cooperatively online.

AVAILABLE NOVERMBER 23: Last Stand Price: $4.99 A new mode featuring increasing waves of hostile forces. Built to push the limits of military-grade hover units, the ISV-Prototype is able to field weaponry comparable to land-based wanzers while still retaining the ability to move across impassable terrain. ISV-Prototype The ISV-Prototype was never mass-produced, and only a handful is known to exist. NOW AVAILABLE Wanzer Pack 3 Price: $3.99 Wildgoat The Wildgoat, designed mainly as a long-range weapons platform with limited defensive capabilities, became popular among snipers and artillery specialists, for whom the ability to deliver a devastating initial strike is worth more than a few sheets of extra armor. Last Stand and Map Pack will be available to download in North America for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 on November 23. WHEN: Wanzer Pack 3 now available for download.