You shouldn’t have any issues with operating system ISOs but some of the utility and tool ISOs may not work properly. It currently supports more than 300 (tested) ISOswith support for more ISOs in the pipeline.

Iv even had some success with arm based systems albeit kind of in conveluted ways as many of these devices need to be imaged from another environment but ventoy allows me to do that fairly easily.I can't express enough how invaluable this tool has been for me and my little business. As I mentioned earlier, Ventoy is very new and still undergoing development. I use this tool all the time now.I used to use unetbootin and universal USB installer or YUMI for multiple OSs on a disk or Rufus or etcher all those tools are great but none of them are as handy as ventoy.with ventoy I can creat a USB drive with a massive partition for many ISOs(Im a system technician so I have needs beyond those of your average user lol) I need windows,Linux,MacOS, and some times freedos to be able to effectively service the wide veriaty of my clientele, be that Enterprise or consumer systems and this tool allows me to do that efficiently and with little messing around.I currently have a 256gb usb3.2 SSD setup with a massive ISOs partition that holds all the iso I could ever need and still have a large section on the drive for a persistent Area I use this for a full Manjaro xfce install that I can use to go grab new ISOs and drop them into the ventoy partition for later use and to also act as my shared storage that is accessable and writeable from any of the ISOs live environments.in all my years of trying all of these "pendrive" type tools NONE of them come close to the veriaty of capabilities that ventoy has, it supports every archetecture iv tryed it on be that 64bit, 32bit, uefi, legacy, name it it works.